
Google Ads

Less than 1% of users click on the second page of Google search results.

Many business owners struggle to get visible on the world’s largest search engine. They watch competitors eat all potential customers while their ads are rarely displayed.

Plus, they waste money on ineffective keywords and poorly optimized campaigns, which is costly. We heard many times that Google Ads were too hard.

But when executed properly, Google Ads can be a huge lead source with clear intent, and for almost any industry.

Google Ads puts your business front and center when people are actively searching for your products or services.

Let’s chat for 30 minutes – No strings attached

When you craft a winning Google Ads campaign, the formula includes:

  1. Regular A/B testing
  2. Deep keyword research
  3. Strategic bid management
  4. High-quality landing pages
  5. Conversion tracking mastery
  6. Compelling ad copy that stands out
  7. Laser-focused audience targeting after capturing enough data
  8. Negative keyword optimization to save some money from wasted clicks

It is easy but only if you know what you’re doing.

Our Google Ads service will turn your search & display advertising into a money-making machine.

We don’t just aim for clicks and impressions. Instead, we focus on driving qualified leads that represent real business opportunities. No fluff.

Service Overview

We launch and manage pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns on the Google Ads platform.

We handle everything from start to finish. You get access to our certified experts and their insights.

We conduct in-depth keyword research, craft compelling ad copy, manage bids, optimize landing pages, and continuously refine your campaigns.

Our goal is simple: to use Google’s powerful advertising tools to drive more qualified leads to your business and increase your revenue. Full stop.

How we work (The process)

Discovery call

We start by listening to your current situation, business goals, product or services, sales systems, and any other relevant detail.

We might offer advice for free, a demo of how we could help you, or enjoy coffee while we chat. Not every Zoom call means money. And we’re OK with that.

Initial planning

Our team creates a customized Google Ads plan according to your wants and budget.

Ads building

We design the ads to resonate with your target’s intent.

Also, we validate our proposals by running experiments.

Sales/closed deals is the unique North Star. Money Matters.

Campaign kickoff

After your approval, we set up and launch your campaigns, ensuring optimization for profit. Conversions, nothing else.

We put all the tech stach to run smoothly, and we suggest some tools that reduce the friction and timing.

Continuous improvements

We monitor your campaigns daily, and make weekly adjustments to improve its performance.

Also, we run experiments in parallel if you have a budget for additional optimization.

Reporting and analysis

You receive a weekly report informing you the impact of every campaign on your business.

You will see what’s returning from your ad spend (ROAS), the average cost per action (CPA), how many qualified leads, created opportunities or sales, etc. You will know how many conversions per day occured in case you want to look for trends. You will keep 100% control over your data.

The best part is that you will receive an executive summary, and we will add a short video reviewing the results (in case you decide to watch it). You will clearly know what performed best.

What can you expect from our Google Ads service?

  • Higher click-through rates (CTR)
  • Improved Quality Scores
  • Lower cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Increased conversion rates
  • Better return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Domination of relevant search results


If you make no money, we won’t keep you as our client. We know.

We believe in aligning our success with yours, so we will plan based on your goals, timing, and budget.

Pay according to our results

We offer a flexible, performance-based pricing model. You’d pay nothing upfront.

Percentages range 5% to 20% of ROAS for a 12-month contract.

We only get our percentage of sales/contracts attributed to us.

The system we put in place is yours since you will pay for it.

The payment is for our ads-management service.

Pay a monthly fee

If you choose to pay a retainer, we have these packages:

  • $1,000/mo on a 12-month contract
  • $1,500/mo for 6 months
  • $2,000/mo and a 3-month commitment

Remember that the fee is for ads management. Ad cost is not included.

Our Guarantee

You won’t pay unless we meet the agreed-upon goals.

We won’t serve your competitors if they’re in the same city.

We will work hard to achieve amazing results for you and grow our business.

If we want more money (performance-based contracts), we have to generate more for you.

You will have an exit clause if we don’t hit our agreed-upon threshold for three months in a row.

Over contract negotiation, we want to put your expectations first. You may also terminate the contract anytime with a 30-day notice.

Let’s chat for 30 minutes – No strings attached

Requirements to apply

1) We will help you if you wait at least a sales cycle. Most industries have 1-8 month cycles.

What is a sales cycle?

How long does it take you to collect the first payment from a person who just got in touch with you for the first time? That’s the time we ask from your side.

2) If you pay per results (performance-based model), we need to track leads from capturing them until they buy your products or services.

Transparency is key.

3) When paying a monthly fee (retainer-based model), we need to check your historic growth to design a feasible -yet incremental- goal.

Agreed-upon metrics must be achievable.

4) If we find ourselves a match for each other, align our expectations, and know that success seldom happens overnight, we will eventually sign a contract.

We need to trust each other.

5) The last requirement is to study your transactions history to find seasonality, trends, patterns.

If your business is starting, we can help your sales process and train your staff for digital sales.

Additional info

On performance-based, our payment scales with your results.

You will always get way more than us, no matter what our payment is.

We will push hard for your growth because we want you to stick with us for years.

While you’re working with us, we will not help your direct competitors if that jeopardizes our contract.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take to see results with Google Ads?

It depends on various factors, including your industry, competition, and budget.

Typically, we start seeing meaningful data within the first 2-4 weeks.

However, it can take 3-6 months to fully optimize campaigns and achieve peak performance.

We’ll provide regular updates and adjustments throughout this process.

How much should I budget for Google Ads?

Your ideal budget depends on your industry, competition, and goals.

We recommend starting with at least $500-$1000 per month for smaller businesses and $2000-$5000+ for larger companies or competitive industries.

We’ll help you determine the most effective budget based on your specific situation and objectives.

What if leads are not hot enough?

Most leads aren’t ready to be slapped with a salesy call. In average, a person needs 5-20 touchpoints before choosing your offer over any other.

Allow us to assess and improve your sales process. We noticed in the past that businesses didn’t follow up appropriately.

What’s the difference between Google Ads and SEO?

While both aim to increase your visibility in search results, Google Ads provides immediate visibility through paid placements, while SEO is a long-term strategy to improve organic rankings.

Google Ads offers more control over targeting and messaging, making it ideal for quick results and testing.

We often recommend a combined approach for maximum impact.

How do you measure the success of Google Ads campaigns?

We focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) that directly impact your bottom line, such as:

  • Conversion rate
  • Cost per conversion
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Quality Score
  • Click-through rate (CTR)

We’ll work with you to define success metrics that align with your business goals and provide regular, easy-to-understand reports.

Can you guarantee a specific position in search results?

While we can’t guarantee a specific position due to the auction-based nature of Google Ads, we can optimize your campaigns to consistently achieve high rankings for your target keywords.

Our focus is on maximizing your ROI rather than chasing a particular position at any cost.

Remember: you will not be charged unless those leads (with intent) click on your ads.

Dominate Google search results and supercharge your lead generation

Book your free strategy session today and discover how we can help you achieve measurable growth through Google Ads.

Click the button, choose a date and time, and let’s discuss your customized Google Ads strategy. We’re ready to help you leverage the power of the world’s largest search engine.

Allow us to handle the complexities of Google Ads while you focus on what you do best – running and growing your business.

We’ll work tirelessly to ensure your ad spend translates into qualified leads and increased revenue.

You can even request a trial period to see our expertise in action.

While we don’t work for free, we’re confident in our ability to deliver results and are open to performance-based arrangements that align our success with yours.